Wednesday, July 18, 2007

WebSphere vs JBoss

At the moment of time I am working to improve an application that suffers high memory consumption. So, my basic choice is to profile application with WebSphere (production environment), but that sucks WebSphere is slow. After a while I change to profile the application on JBoss and my life is whole easier now. However, after profiling I started observing memory allocation behavior when the application is running in JBoss against WebSphere. Result is that with a couple of clicks WebSphere allocated 1G memory. The same amount of clicks on JBoss will use 600M of memory and even pounding JBoss with more clicks does not make a huge difference. The difference might be easily the JDKs used on JBoss and WAS; JBoss was running on Sun JDK 1.4 and WAS was running on IBM JDK. I have no clue at the moment.


I also tried to use WebSphere Application Developer Suit to profile my application. At the end of the day, it just wrecked my installation. It must be me. No seriously, I haven't been patient enough to work with WebSphere recently. Maybe because JBoss is there :)

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