JBossWeb is said to be faster when it comes to secure connections. However, my two-days-testing didn't show any significant difference on how it handles regular http connections.
The first day was spend on testing Tomcat against 1500 http connections, and Tomcat reasonably handled the connections. JBossWeb did the same job with quite less CPU usage, which was not really impressive (around 2 percent CPU usage difference, and no significant performance gain). Both Tomcat and JBossWeb crapped out when bombarded with too many connections on the same hardware. In this test JBoss crashed with a running out of native threads errors message, and Tomcat did not throw any exception but it did not respond to any other request.
The second day was spend on configuring Apache to accept http requests, parse them into AJP1.3, and redirecting parsed requests to Tomcat. This test showed a better performance improvement, but still it was not impressive enough (around 3 percent performance gain) for us.
These tests had been run with a test client we have for our online game engine, and the results do not generally stand for a reasonable comparision of these technologies. I still need to see if I can tweak them so that I can get a better performance, in terms of CPU usage or speed, in our game engine.