Monday, February 26, 2007

Java 7, a new Java?

Apparently serious discussions are taken on the new Java language syntaxes. To me, most changes and enhancements help with the repeating code one developes in a daily Java coding. For example, we are all used to code single-method-anonymous-classes, which in a way resemble what C method pointers do. However, it doesn't look great to have all that class code while you only need a method. FCM addresses this in its entirety.


More on this is happening at The latest Closures for the Java Programing Language explains how new literals and syntaxes can be put together to eliminate huge piles of repeated Java codes.


One good side of this is that all these new literals and syntaxes are translated to the existing ones, which means they will be translated into the same binary code. Nonetheless, I am not sure how this will effect code maintainability. At the same time, one could expect all sort of magical refactoring tools with Extract to Code Template bla bla to come out.


My take, we will be soon experiencing a new Java.

Friday, February 23, 2007

private members, are they private?

Today I was to this Seam presentation by David Geary, and it was the first time I was actually seeing an EJB 3 code in which I pointed out Seam is magically (k, I mean using reflection) setting private members of a bean class. This was the first time I had to think if that is actually possible. Guess what? Yes it is possible.

Consider this example:

package test;

public class TestClass {

      private int a = 2;

      public void printA()
            System.out.println(">> a =" + a);

TestClass has a private in member and a method to print the private data out. My goal is to access this private memeber's value through reflection. A quick and dirty try to do so would be a code like this:

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

public class TestReflection {

      public static void main(String[] args) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {

            TestClass t = new TestClass();
            Field a = t.getClass().getDeclaredField("a");

            a.setInt(t, 14);

Running this will run into a java.lang.IllegalAccessException exception, which is what you would expect. However, the trick to access a private member's value is to set its accessibility. The Field class has a setAccessible method by which you can tell the VM I want to set this field's value. So, adding a single line to the same code will do the job:

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

public class TestReflection {

      public static void main(String[] args) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {

            TestClass t = new TestClass();
            Field a = t.getClass().getDeclaredField("a");


            a.setInt(t, 14);

Installing a security manager will prevent setting a field's accessiblity. However, you still have the option to let a specific code base do it. Yes, I am talking about security policy files. In other words, there is ways to get around this anyways.

In any events, I am not sure if this is only my illusion that private fields are not really private or there is a way to secure private values.